Want the Secret To INSTANT Relief From PTSD and Past Trauma?

"Claim Your FREE Book and Discover the 9 MOST Powerful Relief Tools for Trauma and PTSD"

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Angry Lash-Outs

Sleep Problems

Nightmares & Flashbacks

Intrusive Thoughts


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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Here's A Sliver Of What You'll Learn Inside My New Book:

  • ​Get to sleep faster and with less anxiety

  • Break endless cycles of depression; regain hope and motivation

  • ​Prevent lash-outs so you can have calm loving relationships

  • ​Get instant relief from anxiety, nightmares, and flashbacks

  • ​Learn to stop beating yourself up and start loving yourself

  • ​Gain confidence to face situations you've been avoiding (social events, going out, etc.)

  • ​Break free from "survival mode" so you can work, be productive and do the things you love

Do you ever find yourself saying?

"I Just Want...

The Pain to STOP!"

From: Kayleen Wright

Charlestown, Rhode Island

I think this is something you need to hear:

Whether you were...

  • Bullied in elementary school,

  • ​Went to war,

  • ​Experienced family instability,

  • ​Have depression,

  • ​Are terminally ill,

  • ​Had your personal or mental space breached,

  • ​Have cancer or a chronic illness,

  • ​Felt less than,

  • ​Have anxiety,

  • Have lost someone you care deeply about, 

  • ​Felt like you hated yourself, 

  • ​Felt like a failure,

  • ​Experienced anything that caused long-term pain,

  • ​Are struggling with grief, 

  • ​Have ongoing trauma, 

  • ​Are caring for an ill loved one, 

  • ​Or anything in between....

I welcome you with open arms

You are in the exact right place for healing.

Let me know if this happened to you...

As a trauma survivor, there have been times in our lives where we've heard and believed that:  

"PTSD Never Goes Away..."


And so we try to run away from our pain...

We binge TV, food, alcohol, and drugs...

We yell at the people we love...

Or we isolate to avoid getting triggered....

Whatever YOUR THING is...

Hoping that IF we run away for long enough, PTSD will just go away on its own.

And then we WAIT , for time to heal our wounds...

But unfortunately, PTSD doesn't "just heal" on it's own...

Is that your story right now? Is that why you're here?

Have you experienced trauma(s) in your life, but you don't know HOW to escape your past?

Or, does your story sound a little bit different?

Maybe you "okay" most of the time...

But you wait in FEAR, for the next thing to trigger you...

Or of spiraling out of control, taking out all your pain and anger on the people you love.

Or spending another night alone in terror because you're too afraid to go out...Wondering  to yourself if this pain will ever end, or if you even want to live at all.

Have you ever thought...

"If I Can't Heal or Get RELIEF From My Past...

Is Life Even Worth Living?"

My name is Kayleen Wright, and I'm the author of the Best Selling book called The Art Of Trauma Relief, and I don't think there is anyone on this planet who cares as much about trauma recovery as I do!

Just 8 short years ago I was in pain 24/7 from my PTSD...and all I wanted was relief.

But I couldn't get any...

Nightmares all night long. Flashbacks, fear, and anxiety all day.

I thought I was doing everything right:

– I read all the popular books on trauma relief

– I went to therapy once a week

– I searched YouTube and blogs for the best coping tools

But despite my best effort nothing was getting better!

I still had nightmares & flashbacks everyday, I was still crippled from anxiety, and I still lashed out at my loved ones.

I lost jobs, friends, and even the love of my life... all because I couldn't manage my symptoms. 

This was my rock bottom moment, and I remember it like it was yesterday...

I was laying on my kitchen floor in tears, half drunk, and emotionally exhausted.

My thoughts were spinning...

"Why did this happen to me?"
"I thought I was doing everything right!"
"I don't even want to live anymore..."

I didn't understand why advice given by therapists, doctors, and other experts didn't work.

At my rock bottom I felt like I had two options:

OPTION 1: I could give up and end everything

OPTION 2: I could give it one more shot, give it everything I have, and try things my way

I woke up the next morning motivated to find relief. Over the next 2 years I was not only able to find relief, but able fully heal my CPTSD.

Along my journey I learned and tested hundreds of relief tools (most of which didn't work or made things MUCH worse). But... 

As I experimented I was able to find 9 tools that seemed to work like magic

These tools melted away my anxiety, calmed my nightmares, gave me instant relief from flashbacks, and so much more.

Since then, I've taught these tools to thousands of people around the world through trainings, live events, and coaching.

Now I've distilled these 9 life-changing tools into this book. It has everything you need to manage trauma symptoms so you can fully heal.

If you learn the secrets in this book I believe they will not only be a turning point in your recovery, but also...

A turning point in your LIFE! 

I wrote this book because I knew that there were a ton of other trauma survivors just like myself who needed to learn these recovery secrets, so they could find peace in their lives…

So please take advantage of this while it's still in stock. I'll buy the book for you, all you have to do is cover the shipping cost

"Will This Work For Me?"

YES! These Tools work on all types of traumas and diagnoses you can think of:

  • Emotional Abuse

  • ​War and Veterans

  • ​Narcissistic Abuse

  • ​Loss of Loved Ones

  • ​Childhood Abuse

  • ​Breakup and Divorce

  • ​Religious Abuse

  •  and More

  • PTSD

  • ​CPTSD

  • ​BPD

  • ​Bipolar Disorder

  • ​GAD

  • ​Schizophrenia

  • ​ADD and ADHD

  • ​and More

You don't have to wait 2+ years of experimenting with hundreds of tools, all you have to do is apply what's in this book.

And in the rare case that you don't like my book, I'll refund you and you can even keep the book.

And now I want to help you to find relief from your past, and find true and lasting inner peace and confidence!

Send Me Your Address...

I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

Inside Of This NEW Best Selling Book...

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For FREE!

Inside your FREE copy of The Art Of Trauma Relief  I will be sharing 9 powerful relief tools to help you get INSTANT relief from your PTSD, CPTSD, trauma triggers, and symptoms.

Section #1: Yes, It's Possible For YOU To Heal

  • The counter-intuitive secret to transforming relationships with family, friends, children, and significant others... so you can stop fights and arguments BEFORE they even happen! (pg. 2)

  • The #1 reason why nothing has worked for you in the past, and how to literally guarantee your success in healing (pg. 3)

  • Why you shouldn't rely on therapy or doctors to heal you (and why they might be the reason you're not making progress) (pg. 6)

  • ​ The one person to NEVER take healing advice from... you're probably already are listening to them (pg. 8)

  • ​3 powerful questions you need to ALWAYS be asking yourself to ensure you're healing as quickly as possible (pg. 12)

  • ​4 ways to ensure that you'll NEVER recover from PTSD... AVOID these at all costs (pg. 15)

  • ​​Why you don't need massive amounts of confidence to fully heal (pg. 17)

  • ​How I was able to fully heal from 17 years of CPTSD in under 2 years without therapy or medication (pg. 21)

  • How to overcome shame and embarrassment you have from PTSD or any mental illness (pg. 25)

  • ​The secret to transforming triggers into powerful breakthroughs that will transform your life (pg. 32)

Section #2: Your Brain On Trauma

  • Why full recovery is possible for YOU *hint*  your bran has a built in trauma "processing system" (pg. 41)

  • ​How to harness the natural processing power of your brain to heal trauma for good (pg. 44)

  • ​How PTSD happens, and why it's normal and natural for humans to experience it (pg. 47)

  • ​Why your past trauma gets triggered and how to STOP negative spirals and cycles (pg. 48)

  • The secret technique you can use to train your brain to never get triggered by trauma ever again (pg. 49)

  • ​How to approach healing Complex Trauma VS normal Trauma (pg. 50)

  • ​How to safely and naturally heal physical pain, negative thoughts, and all negative emotions associated to trauma (pg. 52)

  • 11 PTSD Myths that will ensure you NEVER heal... don't let yourself believe these commonly held lies! (pg. 57)

  • ​How to naturally turn off your amygdala's fight or flight response so you can feel at peace anywhere, anytime (pg. 86)

  • ​How to transform an automatic negative mind to an automatic positive one by changing neural pathways in your brain (pg. 91)

Section #3: The 9 Tools

  • Tool 1: How to get "magic-like" relief from 93% of symptoms in under 2 minutes!  (pg. 101)

  • Tool 3:  How to gain clarity of mind and deep rooted anxiety relief (pg. 109)

  • Tool 4: How to stop symptoms in their tracks and regain presence; even if you're in the middle of a flashback! (pg. 126)

  • ​​Tool 5: How to eliminate tenseness and cultivate deep physical relaxation (pg. 134)

  • ​Tool 6: How to free yourself from negative thoughts and regain control of your mind (pg. 141)

  • ​Tool 7: How to optimize for peaceful sleep with no mid-night disturbances, stress, or nightmares (pg. 147)

  • Tool 8: How to relieve stress anywhere, anytime; even in the middle of a social gathering! (pg. 160)

  • Tool 9: How to transform depression into unstoppable hope and motivation (pg. 173)

  • Exclusive Worksheet: How to build a personalized trigger prevention plan so you never have to feel scared of triggers ever again (pg. 202)

Section #4: The Blueprint To Full Recovery

  •  Why PTSD is the root of all your problems... relationship problems, money problems, self-worth problems, family problems, work problems, happiness problems, etc. (pg. 209)

  • How to permanently heal from PTSD and past trauma (pg. 214)

  • ​The 9 powerful principles to master your mind (the first pillar of recovery) (pg. 216)

  • ​The 5 essential habits and routines that are required for full recovery (the 2nd pillar of recovery) (pg. 217)

  • ​The 7 skills you MUST develop if you want to process past trauma for good (the 3rd pillar of recovery) (pg. 219)

Send Me Your Address...

I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book to your doorstep, ASAP!

As mentioned, this book is FREEI'll cover the cost of the book, all I ask is you cover the cost of shipping and handling and we'll send it anywhere in the world! You can also grab the audiobook for a small fee once you put your details in below...

What Are Others Already Saying About The Best Seller 'The Art Of Trauma Relief?'

"Completely Changed My Life Forever..."


"It Gave Me Hope..."

"I Am Improving..."

"Now I have a way out..."

Marianne P. PhD, LICSW

"Even though I am a clinician and a researcher in behavioral health, I couldn't figure out how to manage my own problems. Kayleen has put together these evidence-based techniques in a way that spoke to me. I wasn’t just reading or watching other people get better – this was real. And, now I have a way out."

"I no longer have Panic Attacks.."

Wanda S.

"The recovery toolbox tools have calmed and supported me and I no longer have panic attacks and have much less anxiety."

"Helped me regroup..."

L. C.

“I used to have PTSD episodes that were forever long. The anxiety level was indescribable! These tools helped me to regroup, ground, and shorten the episodes' durations.” 

"It really does work!"

Jen R.

"It really does work! I used it while I was at the movies when my heart started racing. It helped me calm down. "

As You Can See...

The Art Of Trauma Relief  Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

Send Me Your Address...

I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

Claim Your FREE Book Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - Visualization Masterclass

"​How to Rewire Trauma at A Subconscious Level"

Total Value: $97.00

When you get your copy of my new Art Of Trauma Relief  book, I’m going to give you hours of bonus trainings that you can start watching now, while you wait for your book to arrive.

The first bonus is a masterclass we did LIVE for our Recovery Secrets Members - teaching my FAVORITE relief tool that will help you rewire trauma at a subconscious level.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Art Of Trauma Relief Today! 

Bonus #2 - 5 Tools To Beat Depression

"How to Overcome Depression and Regain Hope and Motivation, "

Total Value: $97.00

The next is a presentation on the 5 BEST tools to overcome depression! I go over my FAVORITE tools from The Art Of Trauma Relief.

This presentation will show you how to quickly get motivated, out of bed, and taking action... it will help you get “Un-Stuck” and back on track!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Art Of Trauma Relief Today! 

Bonus #3 - Unbreakable Evening Routines

"How to Get a Peaceful and Relaxing Night's Sleep Every Night"

Total Value: $97.00

Most people talk about morning routines, but the magic ALWAYS happens the night before...making your evening routine essential

A great tomorrow starts today, and what you do tonight will determine what tomorrow looks like! Get a full 60 minute presentation on how to craft the best Evening Routine for you and your recovery.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Art Of Trauma Relief Today! 

Bonus #4 - 30 Day Unbreakable Planner

"The Ultimate System To Help you Stay Consistent in Your Recovery"

Total Value: $37.00

The last bonus is a SIMPLE and effective daily planner designed for PTSD recovery. It contains sections for gratitudes, wins, tomorrows to-do's, daily healing tracking, and goals/affirmations. When you order your book you get instant access to a PDF of this planner to print off and fill out every night.

It's the ultimate system to keep you on track in your recovery. We give this out to ALL of our highest level clients and still use this planner to this day.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Art Of Trauma Relief Today! 

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95 US!

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. 

"I Don't Know How To Get Relief From My PTSD"

And that's exactly WHY you need to get your copy of The Art Of Trauma Relief. 

If you knew how to get relief on your own, you wouldn't need it. This book will show you exactly how to get relief from every symptom you have; from depression to anxiety to flashbacks, it's all covered inside. 

And if you're nervous that these tools won't work for you?

Don't worry, I show you multiple variations of each tool that have worked on literally thousands of different people, with different traumas, and different diagnoses. So even if you've tried and failed at getting relief, these relief tools will still work for you!

All you have to do is let me know your shipping address, here on this page, and I’ll rush you a free physical copy to your doorstep

I’ve already paid for it, all I ask you to do is to cover the shipping and handling costs. 

You could go to Amazon.com and pay $19.95, but right now, I want to send you one for free when you fill out the information on this page! 

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There is NO CATCH!

I know some people out there offer you something cool for free, but then trick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden subscription - and in case you're still wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

1. This is my way of saying thank you for being a valued subscriber.

2. I get a brand new product in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is and how much it helps you, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the very near future.

3. Most importantly, I'm sick and tired of seeing people lose hope because they don’t know know how to get relief from their past. I want you to be successful and I’m frustrated by all the bad advice I see on a daily basis. This is my chance to help!

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

We've only printed a few thousand copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!  

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My "Better Than FREE" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'The Art Of Trauma Relief'  Today!

  • A Physical Copy Of The Art Of Trauma Relief  ($19.99 Value)

  • How to Rewire Trauma at A Subconscious Level ($97 Value)

  • 5 Tools to Beat Depression and Regain Hope ($97 Value)

  • How To Build an Unbreakable Evening Routines ($97 Value)

  • 30 Day Unbreakable Planner and Journal PDF ($37 Value)

Total Value: $347.99

Get Your Copy Today For



Just Cover Shipping And Handling For The Book

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!


Kayleen Wright

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my 229-page best selling book, "The Art Of Trauma Relief: 9 Powerful Relief Tools For Trauma and PTSD" (that retails at $19.99) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $9.95 US for the shipping and handling.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.

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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new best selling book to your doorstep, ASAP.

Step #2 - Your FINAL Step To Get Your FREE Book

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Special One Time Offer:

12 Trauma Informed Guided Meditations

Click +ADD to include these in your order for just $12. (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place) ...more

Get relaxation from trauma at a touch of a button! Get a dozen exclusive trauma informed guided meditations to clear your mind, get grounded, and find peace in your daily life. 

Use when overwhelmed, triggered, or anxious to instantly find freedom from your past.

Get ALL 12 guided meditations for just $1 each – Click +ADD right now to add this to your order for just $12 (This offer is NOT available at any other time or place)

Exclusive Upgrade:

Ultimate PTSD Relief Tools Program

Click +ADD to include this in your order for just $47. (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place) ...more

Want to rewire your brain even faster? Get 10+ hours of exclusive video trainings directly from me on how to best apply these tools AND how to quickly rewire your brain after trauma

Click +ADD right now to add this to your order for 66% OFF, a single payment of just $47 (normally $97) (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Kayleen Wright, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


Upon access of Overcoming PTSD and it’s products/programs, client understands that the role of Kayleen Wright and overcomingptsd.info is not to provide health care, medical, nutrition or therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, Kayleen Wright is a mentor and guide who has been trained in PTSD coaching to help others reach their own goals by helping them devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes. The client understands that Kayleen Wright is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed psychologist, licensed therapist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by Kayleen Wright is not meant to take the place of advice of these professionals.

The advice presented on overcomingptsd.info and in associated programs and straining should not be seen as medical, nursing, psychological, etc.

Advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals. The Client acknowledges that the Client takes full responsibility for the Client’s life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of the Client’s family and children (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after visiting overcomingptsd.info & brokentounbreakable.com. The Client expressly assumes the risks of the recommendations made on overcomingptsd.info & brokentounbreakable.com, including the risks of trying new therapeutic techniques, and the risks inherent in making lifestyle changes.